
Tips and tricks

For family and partner photoshoots we recommend carefully considering your clothing, because comfort is always key. 

  • Clothing in neutral tones look best when offset by natural surroundings; choose items in cream, beige, blue and green for best results. 

  • Co-ordinating clothing can tie individuals together with ease. No, we’re not talking head-to-toe denim, but recommending that you contrast items of clothing with similar colour tones.

  • Wearing your Sunday best is advised, its not everyday you experience a tailored photoshoot and making the experience special and memorable starts with the perfect outfit. 

  • Simple prints and elegant garments will stand the test of time; avoid branded t-shirts and loud patterns to ensure your photos will look as good in 10 years as they do today. 



  • We have a selection of airy, easy to wear gowns and clothing which will help you to look your best while showing off that beautiful bump, however if you have your eye on something in particular, please do let us know. 

  • We recommend having hair and makeup professionally styled prior to the photoshoot because feeling fabulous in front of the camera starts with how you feel. 

  • To ensure you have the photoshoot of your dreams, we recommend investigating some aesthetic ideas. Why not visit Etsy, Pinterest or Instagram for some inspiration?


NEW BORN On-site photography at your home:

Aiming to create a serene atmosphere we will bring all props, accessories and are happy to work with siblings. 

We only ask that if you request this package, you have considered the quality of your surroundings and that the home is conducive (light, tidy) to photography.

$300 plus $50 location fee for a photoshoot up to three hours.

At our special studio in Muriwai, Auckland:

We have a special-constructed studio ready and waiting to capture your special moments, all props and accessories are included in this package. 

$300 for a photoshoot up to three hours.